
Këto janë fotot më mbresëlënëse nga viti që po lëmë pas

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Një grua rreth 500 kilogramë, një fëmijë me një trup tejet elastik, një 4-vjeçar, që vuan nga një sëmundje e rrallë dhe duket si një i moshuar, janë disa nga fotot që plotësojnë një koleksion për të mos u humbur.

Sigurisht që nuk mungon as natyra, por edhe disa foto qesharake.

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*** FILE IMAGE INCLUDED AS PART OF BARCROFT'S PICTURES OF THE YEAR 2016 *** A woman aiming for half-ton status, an adult baby and daredevil explorers documenting forgotten lands and enchanted forests are just some of the stories Barcroft Media have captured during 2016. In Texas we met Monica Riley who tips the scales at a whopping 50 stone. The morbidly obese 27-year-old has her sights set on becoming the fattest woman in the world and hit her goal weight of 1000lbs. In Florida we met 21-year-old adult baby, Jess who likes to wear nappies, drink from bottles and ‘regress’ back to her infancy, while our photographers brought stunning images from across the globe. *** ORIGINAL CAPTION FOLLOWS *** *** EXCLUSIVE *** KOCHI, JAPAN - JANUARY 2016: Thousands of bats group together during hibernation in an artificial cave on Shikoku Island taken in January, 2016 in Kochi, Japan. THOUSANDS of bats seek sanctuary from the winter weather in a public walkway set into a mountainside in Kochi, Japan. The incredible images, taken by university researcher Kei Nomiyama, show a colony of eastern bent-winged bats hibernating in a man-made cave. Also known as Little Japanese Horseshoe Bats, for several years the complete disappearance of the animals during the winter season baffled researchers as environmentalists could not locate their winter hideout. After much research, this massive colony of around 4,000 bats were found hiding in the mountain on Shikoku Island - the smallest of the four main islands of Japan. PHOTOGRAPH BY Kei Nomiyama / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 E:hello@barcroftmedia.com - New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 E:hello@barcroftusa.com - New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429 E:hello@barcroftindia.com www.barcroftmedia.com
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